Yelton Family Genealogy

Descendants of James Yelton and Isabel Hinson of Stafford County, Virginia

Stafford County, Virginia

This is a small portion of a map made about 1755 by Joshua Fry and Peter Jefferson. You can see the Rapphannock River and Fredericksburg at the bottom, and the Potomac River and part of Maryland to the right. The complete map is available for download at the Library of Congress.


This site summarizes the research of many contributors to the study of the Yelton family in America. As far as we have been able to determine, nearly all Yeltons in this country descend from one of the three sons - Charles, James, and William - of James Yelton and Isabel Hinson of Stafford County, Virginia.

Everything on this site is freely accessible to visitors. However, if you are a Yelton researcher and would like to have editing privileges for your part of the family tree, you will need to register for a user account. Just click on Login at the upper left, under the book, and then click on Register for New User Account at the bottom of the window. In the comments field at the bottom of the registration screen, explain which branch of the family you are part of.

Margaret Yelton Cherry

Margaret Yelton was born in Kentucky on 11 Feb 1811, the daughter of John Yelton and Anna Lambert. She married Aaron Benjamin Cherry in Pendleton County, Kentucky on 2 June 1929. They were among the pioneer settlers of Utah, where Margaret died in 1898.